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List of battles before 301

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Before 500 BC

Year Battle Description
c. 2600 BC Siege of Uruk Uruk led by their King Gilgamesh and their General Enkidu, repel a siege by Aga of Kish and his allies from Isin and Nippur, capturing the Kings of Isin and Nippur.[1]
c. 2500 BC Battle of Banquan The Yellow Emperor defeats the Flame Emperor at Banquan, forming the Huaxia Tribe.
Battle of Zhuolu The Yellow Emperor defeats Chi You at Zhuolu.
c. 2450 BC Battle of Umma Lagash decisively defeats Umma and makes it a tributary state.[2][3]
c. 2334 BC Battle of Uruk Sargon of Akkad defeats the Sumerian force led by Lugal-Zage-Si at Uruk.[4]
c. 2300 BC Battle of Terqa The Kingdom of Ebla allied with the Kingdom of Nagar, Kingdom of Kish, and the Ib'al end the Third Mari-Ebla War by decisively defeating the Kingdom of Mari in Northeast Syria.[5]
c. 2004 BC Sack of Ur Elam sacks Ur and thus ends the Third dynasty of Ur.
c. 1764 BC Siege of Hiritum King Hammurabi of Babylonia allied with Mari defeats Elamite invasion.
c. 1763 BC Siege of Larsa Hammurabi defeats his former ally Rim-Sin I and conquers the city-state of Larsa for Babylonia.
c. 1600 BC Battle of Mingtiao Tang of Shang defeats Jie of Xia, marking the beginning of the Shang dynasty.
c. 1595 BC Sack of Babylon Hittites sack Babylon and end the First Babylonian dynasty, leaving the area to be occupied by their Kassite allies for centuries.
c. 1550 BC Siege of Avaris Egyptians under Ahmose I expel the Hyksos from Egypt after taking their capital of Avaris.
c. 1530 BC Siege of Sharuhen Egyptians under Ahmose I siege and raze town of Sharuhen in southern Canaan, the last stronghold the Hyksos fled to after he expelled them from Egypt.
c. 1504 BC Siege of Kerma Egyptians under Thutmose I conquer Kerma culture in Nubia.
c. 1457 BC Battle of Megiddo Egyptian forces, led by Thutmose III, rout the Canaanite forces under the King of Kadesh.[6]
c. 14th century BC Battle of the Ten Kings Indo-Aryan tribal king Sudas defeats the invading Ten Kings in the Punjab region of the Indian Subcontinent.
c. 1319 BC Battle of the Astarpa River Hittite forces, led by Mursili II, destroy the Arzawa army under Piyama-Kurunta, son of their king Uhha-Ziti. Mursili destroys Milawanda and besieges Apasa as a result, forcing the king to retreat to Ahhiyawa along with his sons.
c. 1312 BC Battle of Ganuvara Hittites defeat the Hayasa-Azzi confederation.[7][8]
c. 1300 BC Battle at Gibeah Biblical battle between the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin and the other tribes of Israel, regarding the death of a concubine.
c. 1280 BC Battle of Kār Ištar Assyrians defeat Babylonians.
c. 1278 BC Ramesses II's Battle against Sherden pirates Egyptians under Ramesses II defeat Sherden pirates.[9]
c. 1275 BC - c. 1205 BC Battles of Alashiya Hittite navy and army defeat the navy and army of the Kingdom of Alashiya in modern-day Cyprus. One of the first naval battles ever recorded.[10][11]
c. 1274 BC Battle of Kadesh King Muwatalli II of the Hittites surprises Ramesses II; the battle ends in a draw.[12][13]
c. 1269 BC Siege of Dapur Egyptian forces, led by Ramesses II, conquer Dapur.
c. 1250 BC Battle of the Tollense The largest excavated battle site of this age anywhere in the world, fought between unknown polities.[14][15]
c. 1237 BC Battle of Nihriya Tukulti-Ninurta I of Assyria defeats Tudḫaliya IV of the Hittites.
c. 1208 BC Battle of Perire Egypt defeats Libyan and Sea People coalition.[16]
c. 1184 BC Siege of Troy Greeks led by Mycenae sack Troy in Northwestern Anatolia, ending 10 year Trojan War.[17]
c. 1178 BC Battle of Djahy Major land battle where Pharaoh Ramesses III defeats the Sea Peoples who were attempting to invade and conquer Egypt.[18]
c. 1175 BC Battle of the Delta Egypt under Ramesses III repels a major naval invasion by the Sea Peoples.[19]
c. 1150 BC Battle of Mount Tabor Israelites led by Barak and Deborah defeat Caananites led by the King of Hazor.[20]
c. 1046 BC Battle of Muye Decisive victory of the Zhou dynasty against the Shang dynasty.[21][22]
c. 1025 BC Battle of Michmash Israelites defeat Philistines.
c. 1010 BC Battle of Mount Gilboa The Israelites fight against the Philistines; King Saul and his son Jonathan die.
Siege of Jebus King David of Israel takes the city of Jebus, later known as Jerusalem, from the Jebusites. It becomes the Israelite capital city.
c. 993 BC Siege of Rabbah King David takes the capital of the Ammonites, subjugating them to Israel.
925 BC Battle of Bitter Lakes Shoshenq I of Egypt defeats a Bedouin incursion after surprising the enemy at the shores of the Bitter Lakes.
Sack of Jerusalem (925 BC) The Egyptians capture and plunder the Israeli capital of Jerusalem.
913 BC Battle of Mount Zemaraim Judah under King Abijah defeats Israel under King Jeroboam I; 500,000 Israelites fall in a single battle.
878 BC Battle of Suru Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II takes the fortress of Suru from the Babylonians.
853 BC Battle of Karkar Assyrian Shalmaneser III faces a military alliance of the king of Damascus and 11 other rulers including Israel.
814 BC Battle of Dur-Papsukkal Assyrian king Shamshi-Adad IV razes the Babylonian city, then defeats the army of their king Marduk-balassu-iqbi.
771 BC Battle of Mount Li Quanrong barbarians decisively defeat the Zhou, severely weakening the dynasty
c. 750 BC Battle of the Lacus Curtius The newly formed Roman Kingdom under King Romulus defeats the Sabines.
743-740 BC Siege of Arpad Assyrian king Tiglath-Pileser III takes and razes the Syrian city of Arpad after besieging it for three years.
733 BC Siege of Gezer (c.733 BC) The Assyrian king, Tiglath-Pileser III takes Gazru (Gezer) from the Kingdom of Israel.
724-720 BC Siege of Tyre (724-720 BC) Assyrians under Shalmaneser V and later Sargon II lay siege to the Phoenecian city of Tyre for 4 years but can't take the city.
722 BC Siege of Samaria Assyrian king Sargon II begins his reign by concluding a siege started by his predecessor Tiglath-Pileser III, bringing a final destructive conquest to the northern Kingdom of Israel after taking their capital.
c. 715 BC Siege of Hermopolis Nubians led by King Piye annex Hermopolis from Egyptians of Nimlot of Hermopolis.
714 BC Battle of Lake Urmia King Sargon II of Assyria decisively defeats King Rusa I of Urartu at Lake Urmia, Urartu soon becomes an Assyrian client state.
707 BC Battle of Xuge Zhou dynasty is defeated by State of Zheng in the first open defiance of imperial authority that would start the Spring and Autumn period.
701 BC Siege of Azekah Assyrian king Sennacherib takes the city of Azekah from the Kingdom of Judah.
Siege of Lachish Assyrian king Sennacherib takes the city of Lachish from the Kingdom of Judah.
Siege of Jerusalem (701 BC) Sennacherib besieges the capital of the Kingdom of Judah under Hezekiah. Both sides claim victory.
Siege of Tyre (701 BC) Sennacherib unsuccessfully besieges Phoenician city-state of Tyre.
693 BC Battle of Diyala River King Sennacherib of Assyria defeats the Elamites of Southern Iran, led by Mushezib-Marduk, at Diyala River.
691 BC Battle of Halule King Sennacherib of Assyria fights a rebel force, composed of Babylonians, Chaldeans, Aramaeans, Elamites, and the tribes of the Zagros; the battle ended in a draw, although the greatest losses were suffered by the Assyrians.
689 BC Siege of Babylon Sennacherib sacks Babylon and puts down the Babylonians' rebellion.
685 BC Battle of Deres Aristomenes of Messenia fights Sparta, with an unknown and disputed end.
684 BC Battle of Changshao Part of Spring and Autumn period. Lu defeats Qi.
682 BC Battle of the Great Foss Aristomenes, Androcles, Fidas, and Aristocrates II of the alliance between Messenia and Arcadia are decisively defeated by the Spartans.
680 BC - 677 BC Siege of Sidon Assyrians under Esarhaddon capture, raze and rebuild the Phoenecian city of Sidon and execute their king, Abdi-Milkutti.
671 BC Siege of Tyre (671 BC) Assyrians under Esarhaddon unsuccessfully besiege Tyre.
669 BC Battle of Hysiae The Argives defeat the Lacedaemonians.
663 BC Siege of Tyre (663 BC) Assyrians under Ashurbanipal unsuccessfully besiege Tyre.
663 BC Sack of Thebes King Asshurbanipal of Assyria, aided by the future indigenous Egyptian Pharaoh of the 26th Dynasty of Egypt Psamtik I, sacks the city and ends the Kushite 25th Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes is permanently weakened as a city.
654 BC Sack of Sardis Cimmerians sack the Lydian capital of Sardis and kill King Gyges of Lydia.
653 BC Battle of Malitiosa Forest Romans led by their king Tullus Hostilius decisively defeat the Sabines.
Battle of Ulai Assyrians defeat an Elamite army at the Ulai River, clearing the way to Elam. Elamite king Teumman and his son killed in the battle.
647 BC Battle of Susa King Assurbanipal of Assyria takes Susa from Elam, this meaning the end of the Elamites few years after.
645 BC Battle of Loulin Chu (state) defeats Xu in the Spring and Autumn period
642 BC Battle of Yan Duke Xiao of Qi, allied with Song (state) defeats his brothers to become ruler of Qi.
635 BC Fall of Ashdod Psamtik I of Egypt takes Ashdod from the Neo-Assyrian Empire, after a 29-year siege.
632 BC Battle of Chengpu Duke Wen of Jin defeats the Chu commander Ziyu in the biggest battle of the Spring and Autumn period.
627 BC Battle of Xiao Part of the Spring and Autumn period. Jin defeats Qin
626 BC Revolt of Babylon (626 BC) Nabopolassar successfully takes Babylon from Assyria and forms the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
616 BC Battle of Qablin Babylonians led by king Nabopolassar defeat the Assyrians and Mannaeans.
Battle of Arrapha Babylonians led by king Nabopolassar lose to the Assyrians.
615 BC Fall of Tarbisu The Medes led by Cyaxares take the city of Tarbisu from Assyria, pushing into their heartland.
614 BC Fall of Assur Nabopolassar of Babylonia and Cyaxares of the Medes take and destroy Assur, capital of Sin- Shar-Ishkun's Assyria.
612 BC Battle of Nineveh The Medes and Scythians join the Babylonians to sack Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.
609 BC Battle of Megiddo Necho II of Egypt defeats and kills King Josiah of Judah.
Fall of Harran Nabopolassar of Babylonia takes the Assyrian city of Harran, ruled by Ashur-uballit II, ending the Assyrian Empire.
Siege of Harran Egyptian assault of Harran fails.
605 BC Battle of Carchemish Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon begins reign by defeating Necho II of Egypt.
Battle of Hamath Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon defeats Necho II of Egypt in Hamath. According to Daniel 1:1 Nebuchadrezzar II takes and despoils Jerusalem, under the rule of Jehoiakim of Judea, but Daniel was written in 167 BC and the siege was 599 BC.
597 BC Siege of Jerusalem (597 BC) Babylonia takes and despoils Jerusalem.
595 BC Battle of Bi Part of the Spring and Autumn period. Chu defeats Jin.
590 BC Sack of Napata (590 BC) Egyptians under Psamtik II sack and raze Napata, the capital of the Kingdom of Kush.
588 BC Battle of An Part of the Spring and Autumn period. Jin defeats Qi.
587 BC Siege of Jerusalem (587 BC) Babylonia takes and destroys Jerusalem..
586 BC - 573 BC Siege of Tyre (586–573 BC) Nebuchadnezzar II sieges Tyre for 13 years until the city agrees to pay tribute.
585 BC Battle of Halys Last battle of the war between Lydians and Medes. A solar eclipse is perceived as an ill omen and the fighting stops.
Siege of Kirrha Amphictyonic League led by Cleisthenes of Sicyon destroys the city of Kirrha after poisoning its water supply during the siege. Last battle of the First Sacred War.
575 BC Battle of Yanling Part of the Spring and Autumn period. Jin defeats Chu.
552 BC Battle of Hyrba Cyrus the Great of Persia defeats Harpagus of Media, starting the Persian rebel alliance.
551 BC Battle of the Median Border Cambyses I of Persia battles the Medians.
550 BC Battle of the Fetters Battle between Sparta and Arcadia.
Battle of Pasargadae Cyrus the Great of Persia defeats Astyages of Media, annexing Media to Persias growing empire.
547 BC Battle of Pteria Croesus and Cyrus the Great fight to a draw.
Battle of Thymbra Croesus of Lydia is defeated by Cyrus the Great of Persia.
Siege of Sardis (547 BC) Lydia annexed by Cyrus the Great.
546 BC Battle of Pallene Peisistratos defeats Athenian army in surprise attack and takes rulership of Athens.
545 BC Battle of The 300 Champions The Spartans defeat the Argives in a battle of 300 chosen champions. Only 3 survive.
540 BC Battle of Alalia Carthaginian and Etruscan fleets defeat Phocaeans.
540 BC Siege of Xanthos Persians under their general Harpagus take Lycia in Asia Minor after defeating the men in their capital Xanthos, who fight to their last man and burn their own acropolis.
539 BC - 538 BC Battle of Opis Cyrus the Great defeats Nabonidus (or Belshazzar), leading to the conquest of the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
525 BC Battle of Pelusium Decisive victory of Cambyses II against Egyptians under Psamtik III – Egypt is annexed by the Achaemenid Empire.
509 BC Battle of Silva Arsia Roman Republic defeats Etruscan forces from Tarquinii and Veii led by deposed Roman king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus.
508 BC Siege of Rome (508 BC) Etruscan forces besiege Rome, ending in a peace treaty; monarchy stays abolished in Rome.
506 BC Battle of Boju Forces of Wu under Sun Tzu, defeat the forces of Chu.
502 BC Battle of Pometia Roman forces defeat rebellion by Latin towns

5th century BC

Year Battle Description
499 BC Siege of Naxos Battle between the Persians under Megabates and the Greek inhabitants of Naxos.
498 BC Siege of Sardis An alliance of Greeks from Athens, Ionia, and Eretria torch Sardis, the capital of the Persian satrapy, before the Persian army forces them to retreat.
Battle of Ephesus Persian victory during the Ionian Revolt.
Siege of Amathus Rebelling Greek Cypriots under Onesilus unsuccessfully siege pro-Persian Phoenician city of Amathus.
496 BC Battle of Lake Regillus Romans defeat either the Etruscans or the Latins.
494 BC Battle of Lade Persians defeat participants of the Ionian Revolt.
Battle of Sepeia Spartan forces of Cleomenes I defeat the Argives, fully establishing Spartan dominance in the Peloponnese.
493 BC Battle of Corioli Romans take town from the Volsci.
490 BC Siege of Naxos (490 BC) The Persians destroy Naxos.
Siege of Eretria The Persians under Datis and Artaphernes defeat the Eretrians.
Battle of Marathon Athens under Miltiades defeats the Persian expedition of Darius I of Persia and Artaphernes.
480 BC Battle of Thermopylae Persians under Xerxes defeat a coalition of Greek forces led by the Spartans commanded by King Leonidas.
Battle of Artemisium Persian fleet fights an inconclusive battle with the Greek allied fleet.
Battle of Salamis Greek ships under Themistocles and Eurybiades of Sparta defeat Persian fleet in the Bay of Eleusis.
Battle of Himera The Greeks of Sicily, led by Gelo of Syracuse, defeat the Carthaginians under Hamilcar I of Carthage, who dies in the battle.
479 BC Battle of Plataea Ends the Persian invasion of Greece; Pausanias, the Spartan commander of the Greek army, routs the armies of Mardonius.
Battle of Mycale Greeks under Leotychidas sail to Asia Minor, attack the Persian fleet, and defeat the 60,000 Persian troops.
Siege of Sestos Athens take Sestos from Persians, capture and crucify their governor Artayctes the Persian general.
478 BC Siege of Byzantium (478 BC) Byzantium lost by Persians.
Battle of Lize Yue defeats Wu, gaining much territory, during the Warring States period of Chinese history.
477 BC Battle of the Cremera The Etruscan city of Veii defeats the Roman Republic at Cremera.
475 BC Siege of Eion The Delian League takes Eion from the Persians.
474 BC Battle of Cumae The Syracusans under Hiero I defeat the Etruscans and end Etruscan expansion in southern Italy.
473 BC Battle of Kailia Iapygians defeat the Greek colonies of Taras and Rhegion in Magna Graecia with heavy losses on both sides. According to Herodotus this was the greatest death count among Greeks in a singular battle to his memory.
466 BC Battle of the Eurymedon Athenians under Cimon defeat the Persians in a great naval battle.
458 BC Battle of Mount Algidus Romans under Cincinnatus defeat the Aequi.
Battle of Aegina Athens defeats Aegina
460 BC Battle of Hyria Taras defeats Messapians and Peucetians.
459 BC Battle of Papremis Athenians and Egyptian rebels defeat Persians.
457 BC Battle of Tanagra The Spartans defeat the Athenians near Thebes, Greece.
Battle of Oenophyta The Athenians defeat the Thebans and take control of Boeotia.
454 BC Siege of Prosoptis Persia re-establishes control over Egypt.
Battle of Mendesium Fifty Athenian triremes try to relieve Prosoptis unaware it succumbed, most triremes sunk by Persians.
453 BC Battle of Jinyang Decisive battle leading to the partition of the state of Jin into three smaller states of Zhao, Han, and Wei, which became three of the seven warring states in China.
450 BC Siege of Citium Persia maintains control over Cyprus.
Battle of Salamis Athenians under Cimon defeat the Persian fleet at Cyprus.
Battle of Nomae Greeks defeat Sicels of Ducetius
447 BC Battle of Coronea The Athenians are driven from Boeotia.
446 BC Battle of Corbio Roman General Titus gains a victory over the Aequi tribes.
446 BC Battle of the Himera River (446 BC) Syracuse defeats Akragas
435 BC Capture of Fidenae Romans defeat the Veii.
Battle of Leucimme Corcyra defeats Corinth.
Siege of Epidamnus Corcyra takes their former colony of Epidamnus.
433 BC Battle of Sybota Athenians and Corcyreans fight the Corinthians.
432 BC Battle of Potidaea Athens defeats Sparta, leading to the Peloponnesian War.
429 BC Battle of Spartolos Chalcidians and their allies defeat Athens.
Battle of Rhium Naval defeat of the Peloponnesians by Athens.
Battle of Naupactus Phormio defeats the Peloponnesian fleet.
427 BC Mytilenean revolt Athens ends Mytilenian revolt.
Siege of Plataea Sparta besieges and destroys Plataea.
426 BC Battle of Tanagra Athenians under Nicias defeat Tanagra and Thebes.
Battle of Olpae Athenians under Demosthenes defeat the Spartans in Aetolia.
Battle of Idomene Demosthenes of Athens defeats Ambracia.
425 BC Battle of Pylos Athenians under Demosthenes again defeat the Spartans, this time capturing a Spartan fleet and leaving a Spartan contingent isolated on the island of Sphacteria.
Battle of Sphacteria Demosthenes and Cleon capture the Spartans on Sphacteria.
424 BC Battle of Megara Athens encounters defeat at Megara.
Battle of Delium Another Athenian invasion of Boeotia is unsuccessful.
423 BC Battle of Lyncestis Illyrians and Lyncestians fight the Spartans and Macedonians during the Peloponnessian War.
422 BC Battle of Amphipolis The Spartans under Brasidas defeat the Athenians under Cleon; both generals die.
418 BC Battle of Mantinea The Spartans under King Agis II defeat the Argives, Mantineans, and Athenians.
417 BC Battle of Hysiae Spartans march against Argos with their allies, yet fail to take the city itself, instead capturing Hysiae
Battle of Orneae Argives and Athenians defeat Spartan garrison
415 BC Battle of Melos Athens invades Melos.
Battle of Syracuse The Athenian expedition in Sicily, under Nicias and Demosthenes, is annihilated.
411 BC Battle of Eretria Spartans defeat the Athenian fleet.
Battle of Syme Spartans defeat Athenian fleet; Persia is drawn into the Peloponnesian War.
Battle of Cynossema The Athenians under Alcibiades defeat the Spartan fleet.
410 BC Battle of Abydos Athenian navy defeats Spartan fleet.
Battle of Cyzicus The Athenian fleet, under the leadership of Alcibiades, destroys the Spartan fleet.
409 BC Battle of Selinus Dorian Greek city Selinus destroyed by Carthage.
Battle of Himera (409 BC) Ionian Greek city Himera destroyed by Carthage.
406 BC Battle of Notium The Spartans under Lysander defeat a segment of the Athenian fleet under Antiochus.
Battle of Mytilene Sparta defeats Athens.
Battle of Arginusae The final Athenian victory of the Peloponnesian War.
Siege of Akragas (406 BC) Dorian Greek city Akragas sacked by Carthage.
405 BC Battle of Gela (405 BC) Dorian Greek city Gela sacked by Carthage.
Battle of Aegospotami The final battle of the Peloponnesian War; Lysander destroys the navy of Athens led by Conon.
Sack of Camarina (405 BC) Carthaginians sack Sicilian Greek city of Camarina.
404 or 403 BC Battle of Phyle The Athenian exiles, seeking to restore democracy in Athens, defeat the Spartans.
Battle of Munychia The Athenian exiles, in their search for democracy in Athens, defeat the oligarchic government of Athens.
403 BC Battle of Piraeus The Athenian exiles, led by Thrasybulus, are finally defeated by the Spartans of Pausanias, both sides suffering tremendous casualties. However, Piraeus and Athens are reunited and the democratic government of Athens is reestablished.
401 BC Battle of Cunaxa Artaxerxes II of Persia defeats the forces of Cyrus the Younger.

4th century BC

Year Battle Description
398 BC Siege of Motya Phoenician city Motya sacked by Sicilian Greeks.
397 BC Battle of Messene Ionian Greek city Messene sacked by Carthage.
Battle of Catana (397 BC) Greek fleet defeated by Carthage.
Siege of Syracuse (397 BC) Battle between Syracuse and Carthage. Part of the Sicilian Wars. Greek victory.
396 BC Battle of Veii Romans complete conquest of Etruscans.
395 BC Battle of Haliartus The Spartan general Lysander is killed in a Spartan defeat by the Thebans.
394 BC Battle of Nemea Spartans defeat the Thebans, Athenians, Argives, and Corinthians.
Battle of Cnidus The Spartan fleet under Peisander is utterly destroyed by the Persian-Athenian fleet of Conon.
Battle of Coronea King Agesilaus II of Sparta defeats the Thebans.
Siege of Tauromenium (394 BC) Syracuse besieges the Sicels
393 BC Battle of Abacaenum Small Carthaginian army defeated by Dionysius I of Syracuse
392 BC Battle of Chrysas Inconclusive last battle of the Third Sicilian War
391 BC Battle of Lechaeum Iphicrates of Athens defeats Sparta during the Corinthian War.
390 BC Battle of the Allia The Gauls defeat the Romans, leading to the Gallic sack of Rome.
389 BC Battle of the Elleporus Dionysius I of Syracuse defeats the Italiote League, securing his domination of Greek Southern Italy.
Siege of Theodosia (389 BC) Bosporan Kingdom tries to take Theodosia but fails
386 BC Siege of Rhegium Dionysius I of Syracuse conquers the city and sells the inhabitants into slavery.
385 BC Siege of Mantinea Sparta destroys Mantinea
384 BC Battle of Pharos Liburnians defeat Greek colony of Pharos and Syracuse.
380 BC Battle of Labrytai Bosporan Kingdom conquers the Sindlike Kingdom
377 BC Battle of Cabala Syracuse defeats Carthage
376 BC Battle of Cronium Carthage defeats Syracuse, ending the Fourth Sicilian War
Battle of Naxos The Athenians under Chabrias defeat the Spartans at sea.
375 BC Battle of Tegyra Pelopidas of Thebes defeats Sparta.
374 BC Battle of Alyzia Athenian navy defeats Spartan navy.
371 BC Battle of Leuctra Spartans under king Cleombrotus lose to the Thebans under Epaminondas – Cleombrotus is killed. This ends the period of Spartan domination of Greece
365 BC Siege of Theodosia (c. 365 BC) Bosporan Kingdom again tries to take Theodosia and again fails
364 BC Battle of Cynoscephalae The Thebans under Pelopidas fight a drawn battle with Alexander of Pherae in Thessaly. Pelopidas is killed.
362 BC Battle of Mantinea The Thebans and their allies, under Epaminondas, defeat the Spartans and Athenians, but Epaminondas himself is killed, ending the brief period of Theban domination.
361 BC Battle of the Anio River Romans defeat a Gallic army
360 BC Siege of Theodosia (c. 360 BC) Bosporan Kingdom besieges Theodosia for the third time, this time taking the city
359 BC Battle of Methone Philip II of Macedon defeats 3,000 Athenian mercenaries on the Macedonian coast.
358 BC Battle of Erigon Valley Philip II of Macedon defeats the Kingdom of Dardania, expanding Macedonia to their northwestern frontier.
356 BC Battle of Embata Athenians under Chares, Iphicrates, and Timotheos are defeated by the Chians at Chios, Greece.
353 BC Battle of Crocus Field Philip II of Macedon defeats the Phocians in the Third Sacred War.
Battle of Guiling Tian Ji and Sun Bin of Qi defeat Pang Juan of Wei at Handan during the Warring States period of China.
343 BC Battle of Mount Gaurus Roman general Marcus Valerius Corvus defeats the Samnites.
Battle of Suessula The Roman Republic beats the Samnites, but is forced to withdraw due to the revolt of several of its Latin allies.
342 BC Battle of Maling Tian Ji and Sun Bin of Qi again defeat Pang Juan of Wei, this time at Dazhangija Town, Shen County, in Henan Province.
340 BC
Siege of Byzantium A siege by Philip II of Macedonia.
339 BC Battle of Vesuvius Romans under P. Decius Mus and T. Manlius Imperiosus defeat the rebellious Latins.
Battle of the Crimissus Syracue under Timoleon defeats Carthage.
338 BC Battle of Chaeronea 2 August - Philip of Macedon crushes Athens and Thebes in their struggle to maintain their independence.
Battle of Trifanum Roman general T. Manlius Imperiosus decisively defeats the Latins.
Battle of Manduria Sparta and its colony Taras both defeated by the Brutian League in front of the walls of Manduria. Spartan king Archidamus III killed.
335 BC Siege of Pelium Macedon under Alexander the Great defeats the Illyrians
Battle of Thebes Macedon under Alexander the Great defeats Thebes and razes the city.
334 BC Battle of the Granicus Alexander the Great defeats the Persian army in Western Asia Minor.
Siege of Miletus Macedon takes Miletus from Persia
Siege of Halicarnassus Alexander the Great takes Halicarnassus
333 BC Battle of Issus Alexander the Great defeats the main Persian army under King Darius III in northern Syria.
Siege of Gordium Parmenion, in the absence of Alexander, captures the city of Gordium from the Persian Achaemenid Empire, annexing all Anatolia to Macedon.
332 BC Siege of Tyre (332 BC) Alexander the Great besieges the city.
Siege of Gaza Alexander the Great, commander of the Macedonian forces and their Greek allies, takes Gaza from the Persian Batis, gaining Egypt.
331 BC Battle of Pandosia Alexander of Epirus, the uncle of Alexander the Great, is defeated and killed in Italy by the Samnites.
Battle of Megalopolis Antipater, Alexander's regent in Macedon and Greece, defeats the Spartans under King Agis III.
Battle of Gaugamela 1 October - Alexander the Great defeats Darius III in Mesopotamia and conquers Persia.
Battle of the Uxian Defile December - Alexander the Great defeats the Uxii tribes of the Zagros Mountains.
330 BC Battle of the Persian Gate Persians fail to prevent Alexander the Great from taking Persepolis.
329 BC Siege of Cyropolis Alexander the Great and Craterus take Cyropolis from the Sogdians
Battle of Jaxartes Alexander the Great defeats the nomadic Saka tribes of Central Asia.
327 BC Capture of Neapolis The Samnites take the city of Neapolis from Rome.
Siege of the Sogdian Rock Alexander the Great of the now Macedonian Empire takes the fortress of the Sogdian Rock or Rock of Ariamazes from the Sogdians, gaining all Sogdiana.
Siege of Aornos Alexander the Great takes the fortress of Aornos in the gorges of the Upper Indus.
326 BC Battle of the Hydaspes Alexander defeats the Indian King Porus.
325 BC Battle of Imbrinium Romans under Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus defeat the Samnites.
323 BC Battle of Plataea Athenians decisively defeat Boeotian forces, who are allied with Macedon in the Lamian War
Battle of Thermopylae (323 BC) Athenians and Aetolians defeat Antipater
322 BC Siege of Lamia Athenians besiege Antipater in Lamia
Battle of Amorgos Cleitus the White defeats the Athenian fleet
Battle of Echinades Cleitus the White again defeats the Athenian fleet, Macedon becomes dominant in the ocean
Battle of Crannon Antipater and Craterus defeat the Athenians and Aetolians, ending the Lamian War
Battle of Pataliputra Chandragupta Maurya attacks the capital of the Nanda Empire
321 BC Battle of the Caudine Forks The Romans under Spurius Postumius and T. Verturius Calvinus are defeated by the Samnites under Gaius Pontius.
Battle of the Hellespont (321 BC) Eumenes defeats and kills Craterus and Neoptolemus
319 BC Battle of Orkynia Antigonus Monophthalmus defeats Eumenes
Battle of Cretopolis Antigonus Monophthalmus defeats the remnant Perdiccan faction.
317 BC Siege of Megalopolis Alexander's regent Polyperchon fails to siege city supporting Cassander
Battle of Byzantium Coalition of Antigonus Monophthalmus and Cassander defeat coalition of Polyperchon and Cleitus the White
Battle of Paraitakene Indecisive battle between Antigonus Monophthalmus vs. Eumenes
315 BC Battle of Lautulae The Romans are defeated by the Samnites.
Battle of Gabiene Forces of Antigonus Monophthalmus defeat and kill Eumenes
314 BC Siege of Tyre Antigonus Monophthalmus secures Tyre from Ptolemy I of Egypt.
312 BC Battle of Gaza Ptolemy I of Egypt defeats Demetrius I Poliorcetes
311 BC Battle of Himera The Carthaginian general Hamilcar defeats the tyrant Agathocles of Syracuse, who is then besieged in Syracuse.
First Siege of Babylon (311 BC) Seleucid dynasty decisively defeats Antigonid dynasty and establishes control over Babylon.
Battle of the Tigris Seleucid dynasty defeats the Antigonid dynasty and kills Nicanor and Eaugoras.
310 BC Battle of Lake Vadimo The Romans defeat the Etruscans.
Second Siege of Babylon (310 BC) Seleucid dynasty defeats Antigonid dynasty
Battle of the River Thatis Satyros II of the Bosporan Kingdom allied with the Scythians defeats his brother Eumelos and his Sarmatian army in the opening battle of the Bosporan Civil War.
Battle of White Tunis Agathocles of Syracuse defeats Carthage in Africa
Siege of Syracuse Syracuse repels a Carthaginian siege of the city
309 BC Third Siege of Babylon (309 BC) Seleucus keeps citadel, Antigonus captures part of the city.
Battle of the 25 of Abu Seleucus decisively defeats Antigonus, is recognized as ruler of Babylon, Elam and Media
Siege of Siracena Satyros II is killed while besieging Eumelos
Battle of Lake Maeotis Eumelos defeats his brother Prytanis and takes the throne of the Bosporan Kingdom, ending the civil war
306 BC Battle of Salamis in Cyprus (306 BC) Demetrius I Poliorcetes defeats the fleet of Menelaeus, brother of Ptolemy I and captures Cyprus.
305 BC Battle of Bovianum The Roman consuls M. Fulvius and L. Postumius decisively defeat the Samnites to end the Second Samnite War.
305-304 BC Siege of Rhodes (305 BC) Rhodian commander Ares, alongside his Seleucid and Ptolemaic allies, repels a siege by the Antigonids, led by Demetrius Poliorcetes.
301 BC Battle of Ipsus Antigonus Monophthalmus is defeated and killed by Seleucus and Lysimachus.

3rd century BC

Year Battle Description
298 BC Battle of Camerinum The Samnites allied with the Gauls defeat the Romans under Lucius Cornelius Scipio in the first battle of the Third Samnite War.
297 BC Battle of Tifernum Roman forces defeat the Samnites in Umbria.
295 BC Battle of Sentinum The Romans under Fabius Rullianus and Publius Decimus Mus defeat the Samnites and their Etruscan and Gallic allies, forcing the Etruscans, Gauls, and Umbrians to make peace.
293 BC Battle of Aquilonia The Romans decisively defeat the Samnites.
Battle of Yique Qin forces defeat the allied states of Wei and Han, leading to Qin's further superiority in China.
291 BC Siege of Thebes Demetrius I Poliorcetes defeats a Boeotian rebellion
287 BC Siege of Athens (287 BC) Demetrius besieges Athens but doesn't take the city
284 BC Battle of Arretium A Roman army under Lucius Caecilius is destroyed by the Gauls.
283 BC Battle of Lake Vadimo A Roman army under P. Cornelius Dolabello defeats the Etruscans and Gauls.
282 BC Battle of Populonia Etruscan resistance to Roman domination of Italy is finally crushed.
281 BC Battle of Corupedium Last battle in the wars of the Diadochi. Seleucus defeats and kills Lysimachus.
280 BC Battle of Heraclea First engagement of Roman and Greek armies, the latter led by Pyrrhus of Epirus, who is victorious.
279 BC Battle of Asculum Pyrrhus again defeats the Romans, at a great cost.
Battle of Thermopylae (279 BC) Invading Gaulic forces under Brennus defeat a Greek alliance and advance on the Balkans.
Attack on Delphi Gauls decisively defeated by Greek alliance while trying to sack Delphi. Brennus commits suicide during the retreat.
278 BC Siege of Syracuse (278 BC) Pyrrhus of Epirus ends a Carthaginian siege of the city
Siege of Lilybaeum Pyrrhus fails to expel Carthage from Sicily
277 BC Battle of Lysimachia Macedonian Antigonid forces versus Gallic tribes that had settled in the Thracian Chersonese.
Battle of the Cranita hills Samnites defeat the Romans.
275 BC Battle of Beneventum Pyrrhus fights Rome one last time in this inconclusive draw, but elects to leave Italy afterwards.
274 BC Battle of the Aous Pyrrhus defeats Antigonus Gonatas of Macedon.
272 BC Siege of Sparta Pyrrhus tries to take Sparta but is repelled
Battle of Argos Pyrrhus is defeated by Macedon and its allies and dies soon after, ending Epirot intervention in the Peloponnese
Siege of Taras Romans take city as punishment for helping Pyrrhus.
264 BC Battle of Messana Rome defeats Carthage in the first battle of the First Punic War
262 BC Battle of Agrigentum Carthaginian forces under Hannibal Gisco and Hanno are defeated by the Romans, giving them control of most of Sicily.
261 BC Battle of Cos Naval victory of Antigonus II Gonatas over Ptolemy II.
Battle of Kalinga Ashoka the Great conquers Kalinga for the Maurya Empire.
260 BC Battle of Changping Army of Qin under Bai Qi routed army of Zhao and massacred 500,000 prisoners of war. Military superiority of Qin over all other states of China. Unification became a matter of time.
Battle of the Lipara Islands A Roman naval force is defeated by the Carthaginians.
Battle of Mylae A Roman naval force under C. Duillius defeats the Carthaginian fleet, giving Rome control of the western Mediterranean.
259 BC Battle of Thermae Carthaginian defeat Romans in Sicily
258 BC Battle of Ephesus Rhodians under Agathostratus defeat a Ptolemaic fleet under Chremonides.
Battle of Sulci Minor Roman naval victory during First Punic War.
257 BC Battle of Tyndaris Sicilian town captured by Rome.
Battle of Handan States of Zhao, Chu, and Wei defeat Qin.
256 BC Battle of Cape Ecnomus A Carthaginian fleet under Hamilcar and Hanno is defeated in an attempt to stop a Roman invasion of Africa by Marcus Atilius Regulus.
255 BC Siege of Aspis Rome takes the city of Aspis in Africa
Battle of Adys The Romans under Regulus defeat the Carthaginians in North Africa.
Battle of Tunis The Carthaginians under Xanthippus, a Greek mercenary, defeat the Romans under Regulus, who is captured.
Battle of Cape Hermaeum Romans defeat Carthaginian fleet and successfully evacuate their army from Africa
251 BC Battle of Panormus Carthaginian forces under Hasdrubal are defeated by the Romans under L. Caecilius Metellus.
250 BC Siege of Lilybaeum (250–241 BC) Rome takes Lilybaeum after a long siege
249 BC Battle of Drepana Carthaginians under Adherbal defeat the fleet of Roman admiral Claudius Pulcher.
Battle of Phintias Carthage destroys a large Roman navy


Siege of Drepana Rome besieges Drepana
246 BC Battle of Andros Ptolemy III loses the Cyclades to Antigonus II of Macedonia.
241 BC Battle of the Aegates Islands Roman sea victory over the Carthaginians, ending the First Punic War
241 BC Battle of the Caecus River Attalus I defeats the Galatians
240 BC Battle of Utica Rebellious Carthaginian mercenaries defeats the Carthaginian army of Hanno II the Great
Battle of the Bagradas River Hamilcar defeats mercenary troops, making it the first Punic victory in the Mercenary Wars.
Hamilcar's victory with Naravas Hamilcar again defeats the mercenary forces, this time with the help of the Numidian defector Naravas
239 BC Battle of Ancyra Antiochus Hierax defeats Seleucus II Callinicus
238 BC Battle of "The Saw" Hamilcar defeats a great mercenary army at Tunis.
Battle of Aphrodisium Attalus I of Pergamon defeats Antiochus Hierax
Battle of Leptis Parva Final battle of the Mercenary War
233 BC Battle of Fei Zhou defeat the Qin
231 BC Siege of Medion Illyrians under Agron defeat the Aetolian League
230 BC Battle of Phoenice Illyrians defeat the Epirotes
229 BC Battle of Paxos Illyrians defeat the Aetolian League and Achaean League
Battle of the Harpasus Attalus again defeats Antiochus Hierax and takes over much of Anatolia
Battle of Epidamnus Greeks of Epirus beat back Illyrians.
Siege of Issa Romans lift Illyrian siege of Greek city of Issa.
227 BC Battle of Mount Lycaeum Cleomenes III of Sparta defeats the Achaean League
226 BC Battle of Dyme Sparta again defeats the Achaean League decisively, resulting in a peace treaty.
225 BC Battle of Faesulae The Romans are defeated by the Gauls of Northern Italy.
Battle of Telamon The Romans under Aemilius Papus and Caius Atilius Regulus defeat the Gauls.
222 BC Battle of Clastidium The Romans under Marcus Claudius Marcellus defeat the Gauls.
Battle of Sellasia Defeat of Cleomenes III of Sparta by Antigonus Doson of Macedon and the Achaean League.
Battle of Dai Qin under Qin Shihuang defeat the army of and eliminate the Zhou dynasty in their unification of China.
219 BC Siege of Dimallum Romans take city from Illyrians and defeat forces of Demetrius of Pharos.
Siege of Saguntum Hannibal of Carthage lays siege to the city of Saguntum in Spain, marking the start of the Second Punic War.
218 BC Battle of Lilybaeum Roman naval forces under Amellius defeat the Carthaginians, ending their attempts to colonize Sicily.
Capture of Malta Roman forces capture Malta
Battle of Rhone Crossing Hannibal defeats the Volcae Gauls, staying undefeated in his march for Italy.
Battle of the Ticinus November - Hannibal defeats the Romans under Publius Cornelius Scipio the elder in a small cavalry fight.
Battle of the Trebia Hannibal defeats the Romans under Tiberius Sempronius Longus, who had foolishly attacked.
Battle of Cissa Roman forces defeat a Catharginian army under Hanno, controlling the territory north of Ebro river.
217 BC Battle of Raphia 22 June - Antiochus III the Great is defeated by Ptolemy IV.
Battle of Lake Trasimene 24 June - In an ambush, Hannibal destroys the Roman army of Gaius Flaminius, who is killed.
Battle of Ebro River Roman naval forces destroy a Carthaginian fleet under Himilco, weakening Carthage's influence in Iberia.
Battle of Ager Falernus Hannibal defeats Roman forces under Quintus Fabius Maximus.
Battle of Geronium Hannibal fights Roman forces in Apulia, resulting in a strategic draw.
216 BC Battle of Cannae 2 August - Hannibal destroys the Roman army of Lucius Aemilius Paulus and Publius Terentius Varro in what is considered one of the great masterpieces of the tactical art.
Battle of Silva Litana Gallic Boii tribe ambush and destroy a Roman army
First Battle of Nola The Roman general Marcus Claudius Marcellus holds off an attack by Hannibal.
215 BC Battle of Ibera A Roman army under Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus and Publius Cornelius Scipio destroys Carthaginian forces under Hasdrubal.
Second Battle of Nola Marcellus again repulses an attack by Hannibal.
Battle of Decimomannu Roman forces under Torquatus defeat a Carthaginian army under Hasdrubal the Bald in Sardinia.
214 BC Third Battle of Nola Marcellus fights an inconclusive battle with Hannibal.
Battle of Beneventum Tiberius Gracchus' slave legions defeat Hanno, son of Bomilcar and, therefore, deny Hannibal his reinforcements.
Siege of Syracuse The Roman general Marcellus' forces being kept at bay by the inventions of Archimedes.
212 BC Battle of Tarentum Hannibal defeats a Roman army in southern Italy, strengthening his situation in Italy.
First Battle of Capua Hannibal defeats the Consuls Q. Fulvius Flaccus and Appius Claudius, but the Roman army escapes.
Battle of Beneventum Quintus Fulvius Flaccus defeats Hanno (son of Bomilcar) in Southern Italy.
Battle of the Silarus Hannibal destroys the army of the Roman praetor M. Centenius Penula.
Battle of Herdonia Hannibal destroys the Roman army of the praetor Gnaeus Fulvius.
211 BC Battle of the Upper Baetis Publius and Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio are killed in battle with the Carthaginians under Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal Barca.
Second Battle of Capua Hannibal is unable to break the Roman siege of the city.
Siege of Sardis (211 BC) Seleucid Empire defeats and executes the usurper Achaeus.
210 BC Second Battle of Herdonia Hannibal destroys the Roman army of Fulvius Centumalus, who is killed.
Battle of Numistro Hannibal defeats Marcellus once more.
209 BC First Battle of Lamia Philip V of Macedon defeats an Aetolian force under Phyrrhias.
Second Battle of Lamia Philip V of Macedon again defeats Phyrrhias.
Battle of Asculum Hannibal once again defeats Marcellus, in an indecisive battle.
Battle of Tarentum Quintus Fabius Maximus defeats Hannibal's forces.
Battle of Mount Labus Seleucids defeat and subjugate the Parthians
208 BC Battle of Baecula The Romans in Spain under P. Cornelius Scipio the Younger defeat Hasdrubal Barca.
Siege of Bactra The Seleucid Empire defeats the Greco-Bactrians under Euthydemus.
Battle of the Arius Antiochus III defeats the Greco-Bactrians.
207 BC Battle of Grumentum The Roman general Gaius Claudius Nero fights an indecisive battle with Hannibal, then escapes north to confront Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal Barca, who has invaded Italy.
Battle of Julu Xiang Yu destroys the main Qin army for control of China.
Battle of the Metaurus Hasdrubal is defeated and killed by Nero's Roman army.
Battle of Cartagena Scipio Africanus Major destroys the Catharginian city of Cartagena in Iberia.
Battle of Mantinea Philopoemen of the Achaean League defeats the Spartans under Machanidas, who is killed.
206 BC Battle of Ilipa Scipio again decisively defeats the remaining Carthaginian forces in Spain.
205 BC Battle of Pengcheng Chu defeats Han under Liu Bang.
Battle of Anyi Han defeats Wei.
Battle of Jingxing Han Xin, with an army of 30,000 levies, defeats a numerically larger army of the Zhao near Jingxing (Jing Gorge), killing Chen Yu and capturing Zhao Xie, the Prince of Zhao.
204 BC Battle of Crotona Hannibal fights a drawn battle against the Roman general Sempronius in Southern Italy.
Battle of Utica Scipio Africanus fights the Carthaginians and Numidians, ending in a draw.
Battle of Wei River Han Xin defeats a joint Qi and Western Chu army by building a temporary dam, luring his enemies into the river, and opening the dam to drown them.
203 BC Battle of Utica Publius Cornelius Scipio decisively defeats Carthage under Hasdrubal.
Battle of the Great Plains The Romans under Scipio defeat the Carthaginian army of Hasdrubal Gisco and Syphax. Hannibal is sent to return to Africa.
Battle of Cirta Roman forces sack the Numidian capital, decisively defeating Carthage's ally.
Po Valley Raid Roman forces under Varus and Cethegus defeat Mago of Carthage, ending the Second Punic War in Italy.
Battle of Gaixia The Han forces led by Liu Bang, who was later to become Emperor of China, defeats their Chu opponents.
202 BC Battle of Zama Scipio Africanus Major decisively defeats Hannibal in North Africa, ending the Second Punic War.
201 BC Battle of Chios Philip V of Macedon is defeated at sea by the Rhodians and Pergamenes.
Battle of Lade Philip V of Macedon defeats Cleonaeus of Rhodes in a naval battle.
200 BC Battle of Cremona Roman forces defeat the Gauls of Cisalpine Gaul.
Battle of Baideng The army of Han China, attempting to conquer the Xiongnu people living to the north, is defeated and the Chinese Emperor is almost captured.
Battle of Panium Antiochus III the Great secures the conquest of Syria and Israel from Egypt with this victory.

2nd century BC

Year Battle Description
198 BC Battle of the Aous Roman forces under Titus Quinctius Flamininus defeat the Macedonians under Philip V.
197 BC Battle of Cynoscephalae Romans under Flamininus decisively defeat Philip in Thessaly.
195 BC Siege of Gythium With assistance from Rome, Rhodes, and Macedon, Philopoemen of the Achaean League defeat the Spartans under Nabis.
Siege of Sparta Romans and Achaeans occupy Sparta
194 BC Battle of Placentia Romans defeat Gauls.
193 BC Battle of Mutina Roman victory over the Gauls, final Roman conquest of the Boii tribe.
191 BC Battle of Thermopylae Romans under Manius Acilius Glabrio defeat Antiochus III the Great and force him to evacuate Greece.
Battle of Corycus Romans defeat the Seleucids at sea
190 BC Battle of the Eurymedon Roman forces under Lucius Aemilius Regillus defeat a Seleucid fleet commanded by Hannibal, fighting his last battle.
Battle of Myonessus Another Seleucid fleet is defeated by the Romans.
Battle of Magnesia December - Romans under Lucius Cornelius Scipio and his brother Scipio Africanus Major defeat Antiochus III the Great in the decisive victory of the war.
189 BC Battle of Mount Olympus Roman and Pergamum forces crushingly defeat the Galatians.
Battle of Ancyra Rome once again defeats Galatians.
181 BC Battle of Manlian Pass Romans defeat Celtiberians
Siege of Aebura Romans take city from Celtiberians during the First Celtiberian War
180 BC Battle of Kali Sindhu Indian Shunga Empire defeats Greco-Bactrians under Demetrius I near the Kali Sindh River.
171 BC Battle of Callicinus Perseus of Macedon defeats a Roman army under Publius Licinius Crassus.
169 BC Siege of Eucratideia Stalemate between the Indo-Greek Kingdom and the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom.
168 BC Battle of Pydna 22 June - Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus defeat and capture Macedonian King Perseus, ending the Third Macedonian War and annexing Macedon for Rome.
Siege of Bassania Illyrians take the allied Roman city of Bassania.
167 BC Battle of Wadi Haramia Jewish rebels under Judas Maccabaeus deal a serious blow to the Seleucids, killing their leader Apollonius.
166 BC Battle of Beth Horon (166 BC) The Jewish rebel leader Judas Maccabaeus defeats the Seleucids.
Battle of Emmaus Judas Maccabeus again defeats the Seleucids.
164 BC Battle of Beth Zur Another victory of Judas Maccabaeus over the Seleucids, leading to the recapture of Jerusalem by the rebels.
162 BC Battle of Beth Zachariah The Seleucid regent Lysias defeats the Jewish rebels.
162 BC Battle of Vijithapura Sri Lankan King Dutthagamani defeats encroaching South Indian King Ellalan.
161 BC Battle of Adasa In his last victory, Judas Maccabaeus defeats and kills the Seleucid general Nicanor.
160 BC Battle of Elasa Jewish leader Judas Maccabaeus is defeated and killed by the Seleucid army of Bacchides.
151 BC Battle of Oroscopa Carthaginian expedition against Numidia is defeated. Rome would later use this as an excuse to begin the Third Punic War
149 BC Battle of Lake Tunis Carthage defeats Roman advance.
148 BC Battle of Pydna The forces of the Macedonian pretender Andriscus are defeated by the Romans under Quintus Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus in the decisive engagement of the Fourth Macedonian War.
147 BC Battle of the Port of Carthage Carthage has small victory over Roman navy, but not enough to break the Roman blockade or advancement.
Battle of Nepheris Rome advances further on Carthage, defeating their army.
146 BC Battle of Carthage (c.149 BC) Scipio Africanus Minor captures and destroys Carthage, ending the Third Punic War.
Battle of Scarpheia Romans defeat the Achaean League forces of Critolaus, who is killed.
Battle of Corinth Achaean last stand against Romans under Lucius Mummius fails. Greece comes under direct Roman rule.
145 BC Battle of the Oenoparus Ptolemy VI Philometor defeats the Seleucid usurper Alexander Balas, but is killed in the fighting.
Battle of Vidarbha Shunga Empire under King Agnimitra defeat the Vidarbha Kingdom.
135 BC Battle on the Sindhu River Shunga Empire defeats Indo-Greek Kingdom.
133 BC Siege of Numantia Roman forces under Scipio Aemilianus defeat the Celtiberians and sack their capital city.
Battle of Mayi Aborted ambush mission by the Han against invading Xiongnu forces.
129 BC Battle of Ecbatana The Seleucid King Antiochus VII Sidetes is defeated and killed by the Parthians under Phraates II, ending any pretense of Seleucid control over Media or Mesopotamia.
121 BC Battle of Vindalium Romans defeat the Allobroges
Battle of the Isère River Romans defeat a large Gallic army and take over Gallia Narbonensis
119 BC Battle of Mobei Han forces decisively defeat the Xiongnu army in the Gobi desert, more than 90,000 Xiongnus killed.
113 BC Siege of Cirta Jugurtha defeats Adherbal and takes over all of Numidia
112 BC Battle of Noreia Cimbrian victory against Rome during the Cimbrian War.
110 BC Battle of Suthul Numidian victory in the Jugurthine War


Battle of the Muthul Roman forces under Caecilius Metellus defeat the forces of Jugurtha of Numidia.
Siege of Zama Rome besieges Zama
108 BC Battle of Loulan Han forces defeat Loulan Kingdom.
Siege of Thala Rome besieges Thala
107 BC Battle of Burdigala Alliance of Germanic and Celtic tribes led by Divico defeat the Romans and kill Lucius Cassius Longinus and Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus.
106 BC Second Battle of Cirta Gaius Marius defeats Numidia and Mauretania and captures Cirta
105 BC Battle of Arausio 6 October - Cimbri inflict a major defeat on the Roman army of Gnaeus Mallius Maximus.
103 BC Battle of Scirthaea Praetor Lucius Licinius Lucullus defeats the slave army of Salvius Tryphon in an open field.
Siege of Triocala Lucullus besieges the slave stronghold but ends the siege after finding out he had been replaced.
102 BC Battle of Tridentum Rome has a tactical withdrawal from combat with the Cimbri.
Battle of Aquae Sextiae The Romans under Gaius Marius defeat the Teutons.
101 BC Battle of Vercellae The Romans under Marius defeat the Cimbri, who are entirely annihilated.

1st century BC

Year Battle Description
99 BC Battle of Tian Shan Xiongnu defeat Han dynasty.
93 BC Battle of Gadara Nabataean Kingdom under Obodas I ambush and defeat Hasmonean Kingdom under Alexander Jannaeus in the Transjordan.
91 BC Battle of Mount Falernus Romans defeated during the Social War
90 BC Battle of Aesernia Romans under Lucius Julius Caesar (consul 90 BC) defeated by Italian rebels during the Social War.
Battle of Acerrae Romans defeat Italians rebels led by Gaius Papius Mutilus during the Social War.
89 BC Battle of Fucine Lake Roman forces under Lucius Porcius Cato are defeated by the Italian rebels in the Social War.
Battle of Asculum The Roman army of C. Pompeius Strabo decisively defeats the rebels in the Social War.
Battle of the Aufidus Romans defeat Samnite army
Battle of the River Amnias Mithridatic forces defeat Nicomedes IV of Bithynia.
Battle of Protopachium Mithridates decisively defeats a Roman army and occupies Asia Minor
88 BC Battle of Mount Scorobas Mithridatic forces under Archelaus defeat the Romans under Manius Aquilius.
87 - 86 BC Siege of Athens and Piraeus Lucius Cornelius Sulla defeats the combined forces of Athens and Pontus at Athens.
86 BC Battle of Tenedos Naval victory for Lucius Licinius Lucullus during the First Mithridatic War.
Battle of Chaeronea The Roman forces of Lucius Cornelius Sulla defeat the Pontic forces of Archelaus in the First Mithridatic War.
85 BC Battle of Orchomenus Sulla again defeats Archelaus in the decisive battle of the First Mithridatic War.
84 BC Battle of Cana Nabataean Kingdom under Obodas I defeats the Seleucid Empire and kills their king Antiochus XII Dionysus.
83 BC Battle of Mount Tifata Sulla defeats the Popular forces of Caius Norbanus in the First Roman Civil War.
82 BC Battle of Sacriportus Sulla defeats army of Gaius Marius the Younger
Battle of the Colline Gate November - Sulla defeats Samnites allied to the Popular party in Rome in the decisive battle of the Civil War.
80 BC Battle of the Baetis River Rebel forces under Quintus Sertorius defeat the legal Roman forces of Lucius Fulfidias in Spain.
76 BC Battle of Lauron Sertorius defeats the army of Pompey
75 BC Battle of Saguntum Last pitched battle in the Sertorian War
74 BC Battle of Chalcedon Mithridates VI of Pontus defeats Romans under Marcus Aerelius Cotta.
73 BC Battle of Mount Vesuvius Slave army under Spartacus defeats Romans under Gaius Claudius Glaber.
Battle of Cyzicus Roman forces under Lucius Lucullus inflict a heavy defeat on the forces of Mithridates VI of Pontus.
Battle of the Rhyndacus (73 BC) Romans under Lucullus defeat Mithridates again.
Battle of Lemnos Roman fleet defeats Pontic fleet
72 BC Battle of Cabira Lucullus again defeats Mithridates, overrunning Pontus.
72-71 BC Siege of Heraclea Romans capture Heraclea Pontica
72-69 BC Siege of Knossos Romans capture Crete
71 BC Battle of Cantenna Romans under Marcus Licinius Crassus defeat slave armies, killing their leaders Gannicus and Castus.
Battle of the Silarius River Roman forces led by Marcus Licinius Crassus decisively defeat the slave army of Spartacus, who dies in the battle. End of the Servile Wars.
69 BC Battle of Tigranocerta Lucullus defeats the army of Tigranes II of Armenia, who was harboring his father-in-law Mithridates VI of Pontus.
68 BC Battle of Artaxata Lucullus again defeats Tigranes.
67 BC Battle of Korakesion Naval battle between pirates and Pompey's Fleet, ending in a decisive victory against piracy in the Mediterranean.
Battle of Jushi Han troops defeat the Xiongnu, seizing the city of Jiaohe.
Battle of Zela (67 BC) Mithridates VI retakes his kingdom from Rome
66 BC Battle of the Lycus Pompey the Great decisively defeats Mithridates VI, effectively ending the Third Mithridatic War.
65 BC Battle of the Pelorus Pompey defeats the Iberians
Battle of the Abas Pompey defeats the Albanians
63 BC Battle of Magetobriga The Gallic Sequani and Averni tribes and Germanic Suebi tribe led by Ariovistus defeat the Gallic Aedui tribe, which appeals to the Roman Senate for aid, which becomes a basis which leads to the Gallic Wars.
63 BC Siege of Jerusalem Romans under Pompey defeat the Hasmonean Kingdom and incorporate Judea into the Roman Republic.
62 BC Battle of Pistoria January - The forces of the conspirator Catiline are defeated by the loyal Roman armies under Gaius Antonius.
61 BC Battle of Histria Bastarnae and Scythians defeat the Roman consul Gaius Antonius Hybrida.
58 BC Battle of the Arar June - Caesar defeats the migrating Helvetii.
Battle of Bibracte July - Caesar again defeats the Helvetii, this time decisively.
Battle of Vosges Caesar decisively defeats the forces of the Germanic chieftain Ariovistus near modern Belfort.
57 BC Battle of the Axona Caesar defeats the forces of the Belgae under King Galba of Suessiones.
Battle of the Sabis Caesar defeats the Nervii.
Siege of the Atuatuci Caesar conquers the Atuatuci in modern-day Belgium after sieging their capital. 4,000 were killed and the rest sold into slavery.
57-56 BC Battle of Octodurus Rome under Servius Sulpicius Galba defeats the Seduni and Veragri tribes of Switzerland, but the ferocity of the battle led to the legion subsequently moving out of the Alps.
53 BC Battle of Carrhae The Roman Triumvir Crassus is defeated and killed by the Parthians.
52 BC Battle of Bovillae The gangs of Clodius and Milo clash surprisingly, leading to the death of Clodius.
Siege of Avaricum Julius Caesar defeats Vercingetorix.
Battle of Gergovia Caesar is defeated by the Gallic leader Vercingetorix.
Battle of Lutetia Romans under Titus Labienus defeat Gauls under Camulogene
Battle of Alesia Caesar defeats Vercingetorix, completing the Roman conquest of Transalpine Gaul.
51 BC Siege of Uxellodunum Caesar destroys the last Gallic tribes resisting Rome
49 BC Siege of Corfinium Caesar captures town of Corfinium on way to catch Pompey in Southern Italy. First Major engagement in Caesar's Civil War
Siege of Brundisium Caesar captures port town of Brundisium on the Adriatic Sea. He fails to catch Pompey, who escapes to Greece.
Siege of Massilia Caesar besieges and captures Massilia, resulting in the absorption of the city into the Republic.
Battle of Ilerda Caesar defeats the Spanish army of Pompey under Lucius Afranius and Marcus Petreius.
Battle of Tauroento Caesar's fleet blockading Massilia under Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus defeat the Massilian fleet and a reinforcing pompeian one under Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus and Quintus Nasidius in a naval battle, in which the Massilian fleet is destroyed and the Pompeians retreat.
Siege of Curicta Pompeians under Lucius Scribonius Libo and Marcus Octavius defeat a naval force and starve the Caesarian army under Gaius Antonius and Publius Cornelius Dolabella, both of whom are captured.
Battle of Utica (49 BC) Gaius Scribonius Curio defeats the Numidians in North Africa, cutting off supplies to Attius Varus.
Battle of the Bagradas River 24 August - Caesar's general Gaius Curio is defeated in North Africa by the Pompeians under Attius Varus and King Juba I of Numidia. Curio is killed in battle.
Siege of Salona Caesarians in Salona repel an assault by the Pompeians under Marcus Octavius.
48 BC Battle of Dyrrhachium (48 BC) 10 July - Caesar barely avoids a catastrophic defeat to Pompey in Macedonia.
Siege of Oricum Caesar captures Oricum
Siege of Gomphi Caesar captures town of Gomphi after they refuse to open their gates.
Battle of Pharsalus Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey, who flees to Egypt.
Battle of Nicopolis (48 BC) Pharnaces II of Pontus decisively defeats a Roman army under Calvinus.
47 BC Siege of Alexandria (47 BC) Ptolemy XIII lays an unsuccessful siege on Alexandria to defeat Caesar and his sister Cleopatra VII.
Battle of the Nile February - Caesar defeats the forces of the Egyptian king Ptolemy XIII.
Battle of Zela August - Caesar defeats Pharnaces II of Pontus. This is the battle where he famously said Veni, vidi, vici. (I came, I saw, I conquered.).
Battle of Tauris Publius Vatinius defeats Pompeian fleet under Marcus Octavius raiding off the coast of Dalmatia.
46 BC Battle of Ruspina 4 January - Caesar loses perhaps as much as a third of his army to Titus Labienus.
Battle of Ascurum Pompey the Younger is defeated by the Mauretanians
Battle of Thapsus 6 February - Caesar defeats the Pompeian army of Metellus Scipio in North Africa.
Battle of Hippo Regius Pompeian fleet of Scipio destroyed by Publius Sittius
Battle of Carteia Pompeian fleet of Attius Varus destroyed
45 BC Battle of Munda 17 March - In his last victory, Caesar defeats the Pompeian forces of Titus Labienus and Gnaeus Pompey the Younger in Spain. Labienus is killed in the battle
Battle of Lauro Pompey the Younger is captured and executed by Luciuis Caesennius Lento
Siege of Corduba Caesar captures city of Corduba from Sextus Pompey
Siege of Apamea Caesars supporters fail to capture Pompeian town of Apamea in Syria.
43 BC Battle of Forum Gallorum 14 April - Antony, besieging Caesar's assassin Decimus Brutus in Mutina, defeats the forces of the consul Pansa, who is killed, but is then immediately defeated by the army of the other consul, Hirtius
Battle of Mutina 21 April - Antony is again defeated in battle by Hirtius, who is killed. Although Antony fails to capture Mutina, Decimus Brutus is murdered shortly thereafter.
42 BC First Battle of Philippi 3 October - The Triumvirs Mark Antony and Octavian fight an indecisive battle with Caesar's assassins Marcus Brutus and Cassius. Although Brutus defeats Octavian, Antony defeats Cassius, who commits suicide.
Second Battle of Philippi 23 October - Brutus's army is decisively defeated by Antony and Octavian. Brutus escapes, but commits suicide soon after.
40 BC Battle of Perugia Mark Antony's brother Lucius Antonius and Mark Anthony's wife Fulvia are defeated by Octavian. Fulvia is exiled.
39 BC Battle of the Cilician Gates Publius Ventidius Bassus inflicts a decisive defeat on a joint Parthian-Pompeian invasion force, which results in their retreat, the capture and execution of the Pompeian leader Quintus Labienus and the re-absorption of his soldiers back into the Roman Army.
Battle of Amanus Pass Bassus again decisively vanquishes the Parthians, forcing them out of the Roman East and beginning to restore Roman rule to Syria and Judaea.
38 BC Battle of Mount Gindarus Bassus completes a trilogy of victories over the Parthians by crushing and turning back a new Parthian invasion led by Pacorus, son of King Orodes, with Pacorus being killed in the battle.
37 BC Siege of Jerusalem With Roman assistance, Herod the Great defeats Antigonus II Mattathias and ends the Hasmonean Kingdom.
36 BC Battle of Naulochus Octavian's fleet, under the command of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa defeats the forces of Sextus Pompey.
Battle of Zhizhi Han forces defeat the Xiongnu and kill their chieftain Zhizhi.
31 BC Battle of Actium 2 September - Octavian decisively defeats Antony and Cleopatra in a naval battle near Greece
30 BC Battle of Alexandria 31 July - Mark Antony achieves a minor victory over Octavian's forces, but most of his army subsequently deserts, leading to his suicide.
25 BC Siege of Aracillum Romans defeat the Cantabri in northern Spain.
Battle of Vellica Romans led by Emperor Augustus defeat the Cantabri.
23 BC Siege of Napata Romans siege and raze the Kushite city of Napata in Nubia to stop attacks from Queen Amanirenas.
15 BC Battle of Lake Constance Small naval battle between Romans under the future emperor Tiberius and Celtic tribes on Lake Constance in the Northern Alps.
11 BC Battle of Arbalo Romans under Drusus defeat the Germanic tribes.
Battle of the Lupia River Roman forces under Augustus's stepson Drusus win a victory in Germany.

1st century

Year Battle Description
9 Battle of the Teutoburg Forest The German leader Arminius destroys the Roman legions of Publius Quinctilius Varus.
15 Battle at Pontes Longi Inconclusive battle between Rome and Germanic tribes.
16 Battle of the Weser River Legions under Germanicus defeat German tribes of Arminius.
Battle of the Angrivarian Wall Legions under Germanicus again defeat German tribes under Arminius.
23 Battle of Kunyang After being sieged for 2 months, 9,000 insurgents under Liu Xiu defeat 450,000 of Wang Mang's troops, ushering in the fall of Wang Mang and restoration of the Han dynasty.
28 Battle of Baduhenna Wood After a stalemate battle with the Frisii, Romans withdraw from northern Holland.
43 Battle of the Medway Claudius and general Aulus Plautius defeat a confederation of British Celtic tribes. Roman invasion of Britain begins.
49 Siege of Uspe Rome-allied Aorsi defeat the Siraces, Roman–Bosporan War ends soon after.
50 Battle of Caer Caradock The British chieftain Caractacus is defeated and captured by the Romans under Ostorius Scapula.
58 Salt Battle Germanic Hermunduri tribe defeat Germanic Chatti tribe over control of the Main River.
60-61 Battle of Camulodunum A British horde led by Boudica crushes most of the IX Legion under Quintus Petillius Cerialis.
61 Battle of Watling Street The uprising of the British queen Boudica against the Romans is defeated by Suetonius Paullinus.
Siege of Tigranocerta Parthians siege Roman city until truce agreed to, said truce was extremely brief.
62 Battle of Rhandeia Romans under Lucius Caesennius Paetus are defeated by a Parthian-Armenian army under King Tiridates of Parthia.
66 Battle of Beth Horon (66) Jewish rebels defeat a Roman legion, bringing about one of Rome's most severe defeats against rebels in their history.
67 Siege of Yodfat Roman forces under Vespasianus and Titus sack Yodfat after 47 days, killing most of its inhabitants and enslaving the rest.
Siege of Gamla City of Gamla besieged by Rome during the First Jewish-Roman War.
68 Battle of Vensontio Governor of Germania Superior Lucius Verginius Rufus defeats the rebellion of Gaius Julius Vindex
69 Battle of Bedriacum 14 April - Vitellius, commander of the Rhine armies, defeats Emperor Otho and seizes the throne.
Second Battle of Bedriacum 24 October - Forces under Antonius Primus, the commander of the Danube armies loyal to Vespasian, defeat the forces of Emperor Vitellius.
Battle of Locus Castorum Armies of Emperors Otho and Vitellius clash in northern Italy, ending in victory for Otho's forces.
70 Siege of Jerusalem (70) Titus lays siege to Jerusalem for 7 months, killing tens of thousands of Jews and destroying the Second Temple of Jerusalem.
71 Battle of Stanwick Roman forces defeat the Brigantes.
73 Battle of Yiwulu Part of an expedition against the Xiongnu, ending in Han victory.
74 Siege of Masada Final Roman defeat of Jewish Sicarii rebels.
84 Battle of Mons Graupius The Romans under Agricola defeat the Caledonians.
87-88 First Battle of Tapae Battle between the Roman emperor Domitian and the Kingdom of Dacia.
89 Battle of Ikh Bayan Part of an expedition against the Xiongnu, decisive Han victory with massive numbers of prisoners taken. Collapse of Xiongnu Empire.

2nd century

Year Battle Description
101 Second Battle of Tapae Trajan defeats Decebalus, ending Trajan's Dacian Wars.
102 Battle of Adamclisi Trajan defeats Dacians, Roxolani, & Bastarnae in modern Romania.
103 Battle of Gatae Trajan defeats Dacians.
106 Battle of Sarmizegetusa Trajan victorious in the siege of the Dacian capital of Sarmizegetusa.
130 Battle of Venni Cholas led by Karikala defeats confederacy of Pandya and Chera rulers.
140 Siege of Burnswark Romans defeat Selgovae in southern Scotland.
163 Siege of Edessa Parthians take city of Edessa from Rome.
165 Siege of Edessa Romans retake city and massacre Parthian garrison.
Battle of Ctesiphon Romans under Avidius Cassius defeat the Parthians, further weakening their Empire.
170 Battle of Carnuntum Romans under Marcus Aurelius defeated by Marcomanni under Ballomar and their allies the Quadi tribe.
190 Battle of Xingyang Dong Zhuo emerges victorious against Cao Cao.
191 Battle of Jieqiao Yuan Shao's infantry repulses a cavalry charge by rival warlord Gongsun Zan.
Battle of Yangcheng Yuan Shao was beaten back by Sun Jian.
Battle of Xiangyang Liu Biao emerges victorious against Sun Jian
192 Battle of Chang'an Forces led by Li Jue and Guo Si defeat the assassins of Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun and Lü Bu. Wang Yun captured and executed.
193 Battle of Cyzicus Septimius Severus, the new Emperor, defeats his eastern rival Pescennius Niger in the Year of the Five Emperors.
Battle of Nicaea Severus again defeats Niger.
Battle of Fengqiu Cao Cao emerges victorious against Yuan Shu.
194 Battle of Issus Severus defeats Niger for the last time.
Battle of Yan Province Cao Cao and Lü Bu battle for control of the region.
197 Battle of Lugdunum 19 February - Emperor Septimius Severus defeats and kills his rival Clodius Albinus, securing full control over the Empire.
Battle of Wancheng Cao Cao flees after Zhang Xiu attacked.
198 Battle of Ctesiphon (198) Roman forces under Septimius Severus capture the Parthian capital, fatally weakening the Empire, leading to the rise of the Sassanids.
Battle of Xiapi Cao Cao and Liu Bei emerges victorious against Lü Bu.
199 Battle of Yijing Yuan Shao emerges victorious against Gongsun Zan.
200 Battle of Guandu Cao Cao defeats Yuan Shao's numerically superior army and secures domination of the North China plain.

3rd century

Year Battle Description
202 Battle of Bowang Liu Bei emerges victorious against Xiahou Dun.
203 Siege of Garama Romans led by Emperor Septimus Severus capture Garama, the capital of the Garamantes but soon abandon it.
208 Battle of Xiakou Sun Quan emerges victorious against Huang Zu.
Battle of Changban Cao Cao's cavalry catch Liu Bei's forces, disperse his army, and capture most of his baggage train.
Battle of Red Cliffs War of Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao failed to conquer lands of Sun Quan and Liu Bei.
Battle of Yiling Sun Quan emerges victorious against Cao Cao.
209 Battle of Jiangling Sun Quan & Liu Bei emerge victorious against Cao Cao.
211 Battle of Tong Pass Cao Cao emerges victorious against Ma Chao.
213 Siege of Jicheng Ma Chao emerges victorious against Cao Cao.
Battle of Lucheng Yang Fu emerges victorious against Ma Chao.
215 Battle of Yangping Cao Cao emerges victorious against Zhang Lu.
Battle of Baxi Zhang Fei emerges victorious against Zhang He.
217 Battle of Nisibis Parthian troops under Artabanus IV battle the new Roman Emperor Macrinus in southern Turkey, ending in a draw.
Battle of Ruxu Sun Quan emerges victorious against Cao Cao.
218 Battle of Antioch Varius Avitus defeats Emperor Macrinus to claim the throne under the name Elagabalus.
219 Battle of Mount Dingjun Liu Bei emerges victorious against Cao Cao.
Battle of Han River Liu Bei emerges victorious against Cao Cao.
Battle of Fancheng Cao Ren emerges victorious against Guan Yu.
222 Battle of Xiaoting Liu Bei's invasion of Wu is repulsed by Sun Quan's commander Lu Xun.
224 Battle of Hormizdegan Sassanid forces defeat the Parthians, killing King Artabanus IV and ending Parthian rule in the Middle East.
228 Xincheng Rebellion Sima Yi emerges victorious against Meng Da.
Battle of Tianshui Shu emerges victorious against Wei.
Battle of Jieting Part of the First Northern Expedition.
Battle of Shiting Wu emerges victorious against Wei.
229 Siege of Chencang Wei emerges victorious against Shu.
231 Battle of Mount Qi Shu victory against Wei, but strategic defeat.
234 Battle of Wuzhang Plains Part of the Fifth Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang dies.
235 Siege of Nisbis Sassanids capture city.
Battle at the Harzhorn Romans under Maximinus Thrax defeat Germanic tribes.
238 Battle of Carthage Troops loyal to the Roman Emperor Maximinus Thrax defeat and kill the usurper Gordian II.
Siege of Aquileia Senate has Maximinus Thrax killed and defeats his supporters.
240-241 Fall of Hatra Sassanids take city and annex the Kingdom of Hatra.
243 Battle of Resaena Roman forces under Gordian III defeat the Persians under Shapur I. Gordian is either killed in battle or murdered before he can exploit his victory.
244 Battle of Misiche The Sassanids defeat Roman forces under Gordian III, who is subsequently killed.
Battle of Xingshi Shu emerges victorious against Wei.
249 Battle of Verona The usurper Decius defeats the army of the Emperor Philip the Arab and kills him in battle.
250 Battle of Philippopolis King Cuiva of the Goths defeats a Roman army.
Battle of Nicopolis Romans under Emperor Decius defeat Goths.
Battle of Beroe Goths defeat a Roman army
251 Battle of Abrittus The Goths defeat and kill the Roman Emperor Trajan Decius.
252 Siege of Nisibis Sassanids capture city.
253 Battle of Barbalissos Sassanid forces under Shapur I defeat the Romans under Valerian, leading to their capture of Antioch.
Siege of Antioch Sassanids take city from Romans.
254 Battle of Thermopylae Romans defeat advancing Goths.
255 Battle of Didao Wei emerges victorious against Shu.
256 Siege of Dura-Europos Sassanids defeat Romans in Syria.
259 Battle of Edessa King Shapur I of Persia defeats and captures the Roman Emperor Valerian.
Battle of Mediolanum Emperor Gallienus defeats the Alamanni after their invasion of northern Italy, leading to the Romans retreating behind the Rhine.
260 Siege of Caeserea Cappadocia King Shapur I of Persia takes city from Romans.
263 Battle of Ctesiphon Sassanids under King Shapur repel siege by Palmyra under Odaenathus.
267 Battle of Thermopylae (267) Roman forces unsuccessfully try to defend against the Heruli invasion of the Balkans.
Sack of Athens Heruli ravage the Greek city and leave permanent damage to its monuments.
268 Battle of Lake Benacus The Romans under Claudius II defeat the Alamanni.
269 Battle of Naissus Claudius II decisively defeats the Goths, earning the surname Gothicus.
Siege of Augustodunum Haeduorum Victorinus claims the throne and defeats the forces of Emperor Claudius Gothicus.
270 Sack of Bostra Zenobia of Palmyra takes Syria from Rome and drives out the Tanukhids.
271 Battle of Placentia The Emperor Aurelian is defeated by the Alemanni forces invading Italy.
Battle of Fano Aurelian defeats the Alemanni, who begin to retreat from Italy.
Battle of Pavia Aurelian destroys the retreating Alemanni army.
272 Battle of Immae Aurelian defeats the army of Zenobia of Palmyra.
Battle of Emesa Aurelian decisively defeats Zenobia.
273 Battle of Palmyra Romans fight a battle against the Palmyrene Empire and the Blemmyes.
274 Battle of Châlons Aurelian defeats the Gallic usurper Tetricus, reestablishing central control of the whole empire.
285 Battle of the Margus The usurper Diocletian defeats the army of the Emperor Carinus, who is killed.
296 Battle of Carrhae The Romans under the Caesar Galerius are defeated by the Persians under Narseh.
298 Battle of Satala The Romans under the Caesar Galerius rout the Persians under Narseh.
Battle of Lingones The Caesar Constantius Chlorus defeats the Alemanni.
Battle of Vindonissa Constantius again defeats the Alemanni.

See also



  1. ^ Sherman Storytelling: An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore p.201
  2. ^ Winter, Irene J., "After the Battle Is Over: The ‘Stele of the Vultures’ and the Beginning of Historical Narrative in the Art of the Ancient Near East", Studies in the History of Art, vol. 16, pp. 11–32, 1985
  3. ^ Grant, R.G. (2005). Battle. London: Dorling Kindersley Limited. ISBN 978-1-74033-593-5.
  4. ^ Liverani, Mario (2013). The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economy. Routledge. p. 143. ISBN 978-1-134-75084-9.
  5. ^ Liverani, Mario (2013-12-04). The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economy. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-134-75084-9.
  6. ^ Watkins, Jack (2019). The Greatest Battles in History (2017 ed.). London, UK: Amber Books Ltd. pp. 10–11. ISBN 978-1-78274-641-6.
  7. ^ Bryce, Trevor R. (1998). The Kingdom of the Hittites. Oxford University Press.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  8. ^ Cartwright, Mark (14 February 2018). "Hayasa-Azzi". worldhistory.org. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  9. ^ Tyldesley, Joyce (2000). Ramesses: Egypt's Greatest Pharaoh. London, UK: Viking. ISBN 9780670884872.
  10. ^ Connolly, Peter; Gillingham, John; Lazenby, John (2016). The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ancient and Medieval Warfare. Cambridge, England: Routledge. p. 9. ISBN 9781135936747.
  11. ^ Middleton, Guy D. (2017). "7:The Hittites and the Eastern Mediterranean". Understanding Collapse Ancient History and Modern Myths. Cambridge, England.: Cambridge University Press. pp. 155–181. ISBN 9781316584941.
  12. ^ Lorna Oakes, Pyramids, Temples & Tombs of Ancient Egypt: An Illustrated Atlas of the Land of the Pharaohs, Hermes House: 2003, p. 142.
  13. ^ Around "Year 5 III Shemu day 9" of Ramesses II's reign (James Henry Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, vol. III, p. 317) or more precisely: May 12, 1274 BC based on Ramesses' commonly accepted accession date in 1279 BC.
  14. ^ "Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald - Forschungsgeschichte". 2012-07-21. Archived from the original on 2012-07-21. Retrieved 2024-05-15.
  15. ^ Bowdler, Neil (22 May 2011). "Early Bronze Age battle site found on German river bank". BBC News. Retrieved 11 March 2017.
  16. ^ Manassa, Colleen (2004). The Great Karnak Inscription of Merneptah: Grand Strategy in the 13th Century BC. ISD LLC. p. 103. ISBN 978-1-950343-01-0.
  17. ^ Wood, Michael (1985). In Search of the Trojan War (1985 ed.). London, UK: BBC Books. ISBN 0563201614.
  18. ^ Beckman, Gary (2000). "Hittite Chronology". Akkadica. 120: 23.
  19. ^ Beckman, Gary (2000). "Hittite Chronology". Akkadica. 119: 19–32.
  20. ^ Mayes, A.D.H. (1969). "The Historical Context of the Battle against Sisera". Vetus Testamentum. 19 (3): 353–360. doi:10.2307/1516506. JSTOR 1516506.
  21. ^ Lee, Yun Kuen (2002). "Building the Chronology of Early Chinese History". Asian Perspectives. 41 (1): 15–42 – via JSTOR.
  22. ^ Peiyu, Zhang (2002). "Determining Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Through Astronomical Records in Historical Texts". Journal of East Asian Archeology. 4 (1): 347–357 – via Brill.